Line of sight:
This is still a huge issue for the commando profession. Due to the fact that all AOE type HW's are ground targeting and aim for the feet, the slightest bump or object causes us to lose our line of sight resulting in the weapon not firing. If the weapons could aim for a torso like all other weapons it would greatly reduce our LoS issues.
DoT Issues:
DoTs not holding players in a combat state: This is a major problem for a commando in PvP due to the fact that once combat breaks the out of combat health regen kicks in and then defeats the DoT damage. The commando profession is a profession that has no snare break and no decloak. That means there's no way to chase after people who've taken off running or a way to pop a spy out of stealth to finish them off. In the past we've relied on the fact that once we apply our DoTs to a target combat will hold and the DoTs will keep ticking to hopefully incap the person.Looking at the old style of DoTs they all held combat once the DoT was applied meaning you stayed in the combat state until the DoT stopped ticking. This proved to be a crucial part in how a commando would deal with certain professions in PvP. Anyone who has a snarebreak/movement speed buff and the ability to snare is now capable of snaring a commando, and then running beyond 64 meters and breaking combat even while having a 10 stack on them ticking away. Under any other circumstance the player would incap from the DoTs upon trying to run away, and then the commando would be able to run over and DB. Having the ability to have DoTs hold combat was also a key factor in our ability to combat spies. Prior to the change in the DoT system a tactic often employed by commandos as a way to combat spies was to apply your DoTs either as soon as the spy came out of stealth or by free firing your weapon at the ground. Land as many DoTs as possible on the spy, and then after they cloak continue trying to free fire and dropping plasma mine while the DoTs kept ticking on them while they were in stealth. As is currently, you can build your stack up, but unless your able to hit the spy after they've cloaked (which is often easier said than done when its a ranged spy) the DoTs will stop doing damage due to the out of combat regen.Once the stack is established it needs to hold players in combat for the duration of the DoT effect.
DoT effects stop doing damage: There have been several reports of the new stackable style of DoTs breaking and even though the stack is refreshed it simply does not produce any damage. One method that causes this has to do with a conflict between the old style of DoTs and the new stackable style of DoTs. What happens is if an older style of DoT is applied first (say a medics bleed DoT from the gas cloud), and then a new stackable type of DoT is applied after, once the older style DoT wears off the target damage from the stackable DoT stops ticking.The problem posed by this bug is that unless the players using professions that still have the older style DoTs constantly keep them applied the commandos stack will break and they'll have to start it over. There have also been reports of this bug happening when no one has used any of the older style DoTs, but there are no steps on how to reproduce that issue as of yet.
Kinetic and Energy elemental types:
With the release of GU4 and GU5 commandos have access to the kinetic and energy elemental types. The release of these elemental types was so that a group thats heavy with commandos would still be able to put out full DPS with out multiple commandos having to share a stack. These elemental types are needed. But the problem is they produce no elemental proc effect. So litereally speaking unless your in a group that has more than 4 commandos there is NO reason to use them because your infact gimping yourself by using them unless there's 4 other commandos present. With any other elemental type you get some sort of bonus for using it... Fire produces the DoT effect, Acid causes the target to take more crits, Cold causes the target to take more damage, and Electric causes the target to have a higher chance of glancing. But kinetic and energy do nothing and have no incentive to be used.
Grenades cannot be used while wielding heavy weapons:
This was something that the commando community has wanted for years. As is currently we have to switch to a non HW to be able to throw our nades, and its simply not needed. When its mass pvp and there's the combination of serverside/clientside lag switching weapons can be very difficult if not impossible depending on how bad the lag is. Prior to GU4 we were told that it wasnt possible for grenades to work with HW's, and then late in the development of GU4 we were told that it was possible but wasnt going to be done due to balancing reasons. Grenades dont draw influence from any of the weapon mods so the weapons shouldnt cause any added DPS to the grenades. Having to constantly switch weapons just to be able to use grenades also causes a commando to have a lot of issues with toolbar space since you then have to have between 2-3 weapons on your toolbar (HW's and your rifle/carbine). Overall with no clear cut seperation between a HW user and a grenadier, forcing a commando to switch weapons to throw nades simply isnt needed.
Remote Detonator:
The remote detonator is still completely buggy and almost not worth the points due to how bugged it is to use. The change in GU4 to make it cost no action was a decent change due to the fact that when the ability failed to work prior to GU4 it would cost you action and do nothing, but even with it costing no action its still a buggy nightmare to try to use. Targeting something thats out of range causes it to bug. Using an AOE type HW can cause it to bug. Having a plasma mine down can cause it to bug. Having grenades out that are still unexploded can cause it to bug. There are several triggers that cause this ability to simply either not work, or to instantly go to cooldown with out working. For 11 points of the commandos expertise its a huge investment to put into something thats not going to work half the time when you try to use it.
Cryoban Grenade: For some reason this does Acid damage as opposed to cold damage. Its not really much of a bug, but the cryoban grenade by description implies cold damage, yet it doesnt actually do cold damage.
Kinetic DoT message:
When reading the combat log after a kinetic DoT effect wears off it says that "the electrical effect on you has subsided" when it should read the crushing effect.
Double Time: Not really sure what happened to this between the time it was on TC to the time it hit live, but for costing 10 kills off the meter and not having a snare break attached to it, it produces almost no movement speed increase. When this ability first hit TC it actually produced a pretty decent increase to the commandos movement speed, as is now its not worth using really unless your trying to get out of position secure faster. Killing Spree: With the way killing spree functions it will attack targets at random that are near your intended target. If there's only one target all procs will hit the same target meaning you'll have 3 procs hit the same target. The problem is when LoS is a factor it will try to attack targets that are not within your line of sight resulting in lost DPS.
Stat mods not showing up in the character sheet:
There are several commando stats that do not show up in the character sheet. Devistation from SEA's doesnt show up. HW action decrease from expertise doesnt show up. So a review of all commando modifiers from expertise and SEA's is needed to ensure that all mods show up correctly in the stat mod sheet.
Devistation Modifier Bit: Currently the only combo for devistation comes from junk loot from both EK and TK... Needless to say the junk loot is so rare that for most players they'll never be able to accumulate enough to make the 3-4 required bits to set up a suit with out buying the parts which can cost several million for each part. This overall means that even if you have a 5 piece juggernaut set you wont be able to get full use out of it due to the fact you cant cap out your devistation chance.
13 years ago
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